Rating: 3 zombies out of 5
Starting a Bed and Breakfast is never easy, then you have to pick the house that a crazy tooth stealing killer lived in. Add one little girl that lost her last baby tooth, and you have a killer waking from the dead. Also no horror movie is complete without two country retards, chuck and his brother, whom feel the person that bought the house did them a great injustice by kicking them out of the house they were squatting in.
So the death was very well done i think, even tho the acting was not good. it has been a long time since i saw a man die by woodchipper, and nailing a chick on the wall with a nailgun then chopping their arms and legs off. also my fav and the one we watched a few times was chuck getting his penis cut off, the qoute that made us rewind is " what's your dick doing over there, chuck ? " this caused laughter from me and julie that produced tears.
I say this movie is like disney mets Gore because the little girl in the movie that loses her tooth makes freinds with a little girl ghost and together they learn how to defeat the monster. when a group of ghost kids stand around and tell each other they can do it, and use there combined power to move a candle to make the grown-ups believe in them, you have to ask where the campfire is and the marshmallows.
all that was missing was the sing-along. " we girls can do anything! right barbie ?"
So if you want to see penis even if it is not attached to the person still then i say go rent this movie. but dont forget your crackers for the cheese.
Oh my god that was cool. I have always wondered what to say if that ever happens. Good thing i am not loosing any more of my teeth.
You need to clarify...
Movie = 3 Zombies out of 5.
Best One-liner = 5 penises out of 5.
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