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October 28, 2007

Book Review : The Rising

This is a well written book about zombies and fighting your demons.

The dead are getting up and walking, as it happens in every single zombie movie but this time it is different.
Jim met the woman of his dreams after a nasty divorce and his ex took his son away to NJ. He has now been in a bunker for weeks and his new wife is stalking him from above ground and he is deciding if that bullet should go into his head.
Frankie a drug aditict wondering where her next fix is hides in a bathroom, wondering if her dealers will find her before the zobies do.
There are many other peopleyou follow in this story also but i dont want to give it away.
the story takes you into the fight , you feel your heart race as you are throw into fight after fight. The people are believable as surviors, they could be you or your neighbor.
this puts a real fear in you of the dead and the rising.


Anonymous said...

Welcome back, The book sound like the author may have had his head broken open and all his ideas put into one book, leaving the readers trying to keep up with to many story lines. Maybe the book is for the A.D.D. readers?

Outdoorsy Girl said...

I am liking it so far. Scary!

It's totally cool that the animals are zombies, too...especially the zombie fish! Can you imagine a zombie Wren? Oh, the terror! She puts us through enough already.